if( js && testing ) { level++; }

JavaScript? Testing?

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Open Source?

CanJS Logo
jQuery++ Logo

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Testing, What's Out There?

DailyJS survey from December 2012:

45% Jasmine Logo
31% QUnit Logo
41% Mocha Logo

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But ...

51% of respondents said they don’t write tests

JavaScript testing smiley is not happy

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Getting started is easy

Set up a page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>My QUnit Test</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/qunit.css">
  <div id="qunit"></div>
  <div id="qunit-fixture"></div>
  <script src="/resources/qunit.js"></script>
  <script src="/resources/underscore.js"></script>
  <script src="tests.js"></script>

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Your Own Underscore Test

And in tests.js:

module("My Underscore Test");

test("values", function() {
    equal(_.values({one: 1, two: 2}).join(', '), '1, 2',
        'can extract the values from an object');
    equal(_.values({one: 1, two: 2, length: 3}).join(', '),
        '1, 2, 3', '... even when one of them is "length"');

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Can We Do Better?

JavaScript testing smiley is thinking

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A Holy Grail?

Adam Hawkins at RejectJS 2012 (watch)

  • Browser independent
  • All tests written in JavaScript
  • Unit and functional testing
  • Test against a single browser in development
  • Test against all target browsers in CI
  • Runs from the CLI

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Not Again!

The Holy Grail!

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Test Reporting

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Starting Tests

Open the test page URL in the target browser(s)

Automate with Launchpad:

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Testee - A test reporter

Automated cross-browser test reporter for QUnit, Jasmine and Mocha

Testee Logo

Some neat features:

  • Runs on all browsers
  • Many output formats
  • Easy CI integration
  • BrowserStack support
  • Code coverage
  • GruntJS task

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Get started with Testee


npm install -g testee

Go to your project folder:

cd underscore

Point to your test page and run with PhantomJS:

testee test/index.html

Point to your test page and run with local Firefox:

testee test/index.html --browser firefox

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More Testing!

Output XML test results for CI:

testee test/index.html --browser safari --reporter XUnit > testresults.xml

Run tests on Chrome Canary and output code coverage statistics:

testee test/index.html --browser canary --coverage

Test with IE 9.0 on BrowserStack:

testee test/index.html --browser ie:9.0@win --launch browserstack

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Configuration File

Set up Remote Preview to open tests on other devices:

    "tunnel": {
        "type": "local",
        "hostname": "airblubber"
    "launch": "remotePreview",
    "browser": {
        "file": "remote-preview/url.txt"

And run like:

testee --config testee.json

Presenter Notes

Are We There Yet?

  • Browser independent
  • All tests written in JavaScript
  • Unit and functional testing
  • Test against a single browser in development
  • Test against all target browsers in CI
  • Runs from the CLI

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Functional Testing

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What Is It?

Automated tests performed from a user perspective

  • Emulate user input
  • Examine the result
  • Black box testing

Used for

  • Testing component interaction
  • Verifying UI heavy widgets
  • Application smoke tests

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Functional testing library built on top of jQuery and QUnit:

  • Use jQuery syntax to emulate user input
  • Write QUnit style tests

Testing a TodoMVC app

test('TodoMVC app', function() {
    S('#new-todo').click().type('Do some nerdy stuff\r').wait(500);
    S('#todo-list li').size(1, 'Got one Todo');
    S('#todo-list li:first label')
        .html('Do some nerdy stuff', 'Todo has correct text');
        'Todo count text is correct');

Presenter Notes

Are We There Yet?

  • Browser independent
  • All tests written in JavaScript
  • Unit and functional testing
  • Test against a single browser in development
  • Test against all target browsers in CI
  • Runs from the CLI

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Keep it on your Radar

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